hot dogs made to look like dynamite sticks
via istockphoto

War is for Weenies

Nick Green
3 min readFeb 14, 2022

For a while now a bunch of people have been beating the drums of war, whether against RUSSIA or CHINA or whoever else they think should face the wrath of their displeasure.

These people are a bunch of gutless weenies.

They sit at their computers, in front of their television cameras, behind their microphones, and in their upholstered chairs in the halls of power and spit out endless reams of excuses why their chosen targets are deserving of assault.

But if they had to go and stand on the battlefield themselves, they’d soil their trousers quicker than it would take to boil a hot dog on the stove.

Because they’re a bunch of gutless weenies.

If these craven cowards think that they ought to be able to control the world, then how about they put their money where their mouths are and get their hands dirty themselves?

Instead of sending a bunch of other people’s kids to go off and get offed in places hundreds of miles away from home, why won’t these feckless filth-rags get up off their own sorry butts and go fight their own sorry battles?

Because they’re a bunch of gutless weenies.

If these decrepit old geezers and their lackluster lackies have so much hate in their hearts that they want to wage war, then they better look their opponents in the eye and strangle them with their own geriatric hands.

Pundits and podcasters and politicians are filled with so much hot air that they spit out their pretty little words about how the enemy is some big bad threat that needs to be taught a lesson, but they won’t dare enter the arena themselves.

Because they’re a bunch of gutless weenies.

The only justification for ending a life is if your own life is also on the line. To sit back and relax while others do your killing for you is the mark of a pissant poltroon, and that goes for drone pilots too. Even mosquitoes have to risk their own lives when they bite, while the greatest danger these yellow-bellied, lily-livered nimrods face is getting their fingers caught in the break room vending machine.

Someone who uses force to make people obey them is the lowest of the low, even lower than the processed animal offal used to make cheap hot dogs. At least that provides limited nutritional value, while the only worth these dastardly dinguses have is as a home to their gut bacteria.

That goes for sanctions too, and other less overt forms of violence. Overt or covert, these acts of war are the actions of morally bankrupt buttheads who can’t stand to not be in control of the world.

Too bad, sunshine, you can’t control jack squat, and your insecurity about it only shows you to be a feckless coward. If you’re itching for a fight so bad, then get out there and do it yourself, so that the people you’re so intent on ending have a chance to end you instead.

Because you’re nothing more than a gutless weenie.



Nick Green
Nick Green

Written by Nick Green

Founder of the doujin circle Sasuga Studios // //

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